▪ 최우수논문상 (논문 : The Importance of Trade Promotion Versus Advertising in the Consumer Packaged Goods industry)
(Journal of Channel and Retailing(유통연구) Best Research Award in Korea by Korea Distribution Association) , 2016
▪ Conference Presentation Travel Grants for GW Graduate Students, 2010 (Summer), 2011 (Winter, Summer), 2012(Winter)
▪ George Washington School of Business Doctoral Fellowship, 2010–2012
▪ 45th AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow, at Texas Christian University, June, 2010
▪ FGSS Fellowship Award, 2010
▪ Hyundai Full Scholarship, George Washington University, 2007–2010
▪ Washington, DC National Defense Transportation Association Scholarship, 2006
▪ 동아대학교 경영대학 우수강의상
(Dong-A University Business School Best Teaching Award (Spring) 2018, (Fall) 2018, (Spring) 2017, (Fall) 2017, (Spring) 2016