서주환 Seo, JooHwan
동아대학교 경영대학 마케팅 교수
마케팅 전략 I 디지털 마케팅 l 계량 마케팅
Tel. 051-200-7494
E-mail. joohwans@dau.ac.kr
Hello ,
I am an Associate Professor of Marketing at the School of Business, Dong-A. My research field is Quantitative Marketing, investigating consumer responses to firms' dynamic advertising and pricing strategies.
Ph. D in Marketing, School of Business, George Washington University, 2013.
: Essays on The effects of Marketing and R&D Capabilities in the Grocery Industries.
▪ 마케팅 교수 (Professor), 2014 ~
▪ 경영대학 부학장 (Vice Dean of College of Business), 2022 - 2023
▪ Univ. of Vienna(Austria), College of Business, Economics & Statistics, Visiting Professor,
2022. 01 - 2022. 08
▪ 동아대학교 평생교육원 부원장 (Vice President of Lifelong Education Center at Dong-A Univ),
2019 - 2021
▪ George Washington School of Business, Teaching and Research assistant, 2008-2013
▪ Relationship Marketing theory and strategy-Trade Promotion / Channel Relationship / Advertising / Innovation
▪ Marketing and Finance Interface on firm performance
▪ Social Media Effects through Big Data Driven approach
▪ Shopper Behavior and Decisions (Field Data)
▪ Hospitality and Tourism
▪ Quantile Regression
▪ Functional Coefficient / Structural Model
▪ Bayesian Methods / Time Series
▪ BNK Financial Group, Digital Marketing Analytics
▪ BNK Kyungnam, Digital Transformation in Marketing
▪ 마케팅원론 (Principles of Marketing)
▪ 마케팅 조사론 (Marketing Research)
▪ 광고론 (Advertising)
▪ 브랜드 관리론 (Brand Management)
▪ 디지털 마케팅 (Digital Marketing)
▪ 비즈니스 어넬리틱스 (business Analytics)
▪ 마케팅 전략 (Marketing Strategy)
▪ 연구학점제 I
▪ 연구학점제 II
▪ 응용 통계 (Applied Statistics)
▪ 마케팅 통계 (Marketing Statistics)
▪ 디지털 마케팅 (Digital Marketing)
▪ 마케팅 전략 (Marketing Strategy)
▪ 마케팅 모델 세미나 (Marketing Model Seminar)
▪ 마케팅 이론 세미나 (Marketing Theory Seminar)
▪ 연구방법론 I (Research Methodology I)
▪ 연구방법론 II (Research Methodology II)
▪ Joo Hwan Seo & Jane Yoo, "Effect of Hidden Cost on the Value of Shelf-Space,"
Status : Under Review
▪Joo Hwan Seo, Mark Yim, Jinsun Ahn & Larry Yu,
"Investigating the moderating role of CEO narcissism between advertising and firm
performance in the restaurant business,"
Status : 2nd Round review at Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising
▪ Kong, N & Joo Hwan Seo, "The Influence of Advertising Language & Brand Loyalty on
Consumers' purchase Intentions."
Status : 2nd Round review at Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics
▪ Mark Yim, Juwon Jang, Seung Yoo, Joohwan Seo, "When do people pay attention to digital transit
advertising in subway stations? A year-long study using facial recognition systems."
Status : 2nd Round Review at International Journal of Advertising
▪ J. Lee & Joo Hwan Seo, "A Study of Dynamic relationship between Authentic Online Reviewers
and Consumers; Attribute Sentiment Online Text and language Structure."